Welcome to the UCSF Peripheral Nerve and Complex Limb Reconstruction Center
Welcome to the UCSF Peripheral Nerve and Complex Limb Reconstruction Center
Welcome to the UCSF Peripheral Nerve and Complex Limb Reconstruction Center

Video: Learn about the UCSF Peripheral Nerve and Complex Limb Reconstruction Center.

About our clinic

The UCSF Combined Orthopedic and Plastic Surgery Peripheral Nerve and Complex Limb Reconstruction Center is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to non-surgical treatment and surgical reconstructive options for patients with complex upper and lower extremity peripheral nerve problems.

Using a multidisciplinary approach, we utilize the expertise of a wide range of health care professionals including orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, physiatrists, radiologists and physical therapists so that our patients can benefit from a coordinated treatment experience.

Located at the UCSF Orthopaedic Institute on San Francisco’s Mission Bay Campus, our clinic offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and reconstructive options for a variety of complex upper and lower extremity peripheral nerve problems. We provide complex bony and soft tissue reconstructive options that include nerve repairs, nerve grafting, nerve and tendon transfers, contracture releases, deformity correction, targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR), and free-functioning tissue transfers, to restore both form and function of the upper and lower extremity. Our goal is to help patients with brachial plexus or other upper or lower extremity nerve injury. We help restore function to patients suffering from contractures or weakness due to upper extremity compartment syndrome, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and many other conditions. We also help treat phantom limb or neuroma pain resulting from an upper or lower extremity amputation.

Our goal is to work with our patients to relieve pain and to restore function.